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Tab Manager​

1. How to open tab manager​

You can open tab manager in one click from PlutoAI’s web extension. Just click on the Tab icon the nav bar in the web extension, you’ll have a new dedicated Tab Manager page opened.

2. Can I view and access my collections in tab manager​

Yes, you can view all your collections and all the corresponding bookmarks in the tab manager. We’ve made it very easy for you also manage you collections inside the tab manager.

3. Can I shuffle tabs between different windows on tab manager​

Yes, it can be done by simple drag and drop. You can find your active windows on the right Nav bar of the Tab Manager page. The active tabs can be easily moved between different windows using drag and drop. You can also reshuffle order of tabs in the active window by dragging and dropping.

4. Can I close tabs directly from tab manager​

Using the delete button on the tabs in right side nav bar, you could close the tabs in any of the active windows.

5. How to view old sessions​

PlutoAI’s tab manager offers you a very clear view filtered out view of your saved sessions. If you have auto-save activated or if you have saved sessions you can find it in the Sessions section on the left nav bar in tab Manager.