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1. How can I share a bookmark with other app users?

To share a bookmark with app users, navigate to the bookmark and select the "Share" option. You can choose to share with specific users or groups.

2. Can I share bookmarks with people who are not on the app?

Yes, you can share bookmarks with non-app users by sending them a shareable link. This allows them to access the content without signing up.

3. How do I see bookmarks that others have shared with me?

You can find bookmarks shared with you in the "Shared" section of the app. It's a convenient way to access content recommended by others.

4. Can my friend comment on my shared bookmark?

No, your friend cannot add comments on your bookmark. However, once they save that bookmark, they are free to add comments and highlights on their saved bookmark (which was shared by you).

5. Can my friend see the comments and highlights of a shared bookmark?

No, sharing the bookmark shares only the URL of that item. All your comments and highlights are private to you. However, if you want to use comments and highlights with your friends and colleagues, consider using the collaborate feature.