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1. Can I view my reading profile for custom dates

Yes. Using the date range on top right of the page, you can apply the dates for which you want to see your reading profile. Personalised reading profile is a great feature for those who love to keep track of what they’ve been bookmarking and reading.

2. How to read the reading profile page

At PlutoAI, we have tried to make the reading profile page an insightful experience for you. On the top of the page you can find a broad overview of your reading habits. Towards the centre of the page, you can see the times at which you read the most. You can keep a track to efficiently use your time during the day dedicated to reading.

The lower half of the page is focused towards giving you more insights on what topics you’ve been reading the most during the selected dates. On a longer range, the bubble chart helps you visualise the topics where you spent your time on and helps you strategize what you want to spend your time learning going ahead.

3. Which ones are my top categories

The bubble chart in the lower half of the Reading Profile page shows the categories which you have bookmarked the most in. The bigger the bubble, the more number of bookmarks that category has.

4. Can I see bookmarks in my top websites

Yes, you can find a list of your top websites at the bottom of the page. You can further click on these websites to view the bookmarks you have associated with these websites.