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Bookmarking Experience and Reading Experience

1. How do I save a bookmark in the app?

To save a bookmark, click on the PlutoAI extension while viewing a webpage or content. You can also manually add bookmarks by providing the URL or content details.

2. Can I categorize my bookmarks for better organization?

Yes, you can create collections to categorize your bookmarks. This feature allows you to keep your saved content organized and easy to find.

3. How do I read saved articles or content?

Simply click on a saved bookmark or article to open and read it. The app provides a clean reading view for distraction-free consumption.

4. Can I highlight and take notes while reading?

Yes, you can highlight text and add notes while reading articles. This feature is designed to help you remember key points and annotations.

5. How can I change the background color and font of the reader page?

Once you are on the reader page, on top right you can access the setting for changing the background color and font. Click on “Aa” icon to access the dropdown to change the settings.

6. What is a summary and how is it generated?

Summary is the tool developed by the team at PlutoAI to generate a smart abstract from your saved content. PlutoAI uses artificial intelligence to identify key points of your saved content and generate useful abstracts for you. To explore the full power of summaries, please consider signing up for the premium membership.